Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Morning or Night?

The question that determines when a person wakes up on their day off. Are you a morning or night person? For me, I guess the answer is night since I gravitate more towards staying up late and getting up early, but for the most part my habits and hobbies are what keep me up and used to the late night schedule. The times that I have been relegated to being a morning person are fine. I function as a human being should and easily take to the early rise. Even on my days off, I seem to follow this pattern.
However, down deep I know I am a night person. Evening jobs have always suited me better than your typical 9 to 5. I don't have the worry that many do when they start work later in the day. It doesn't hang over my head, and I don't feel like I have less time. Actually, I feel like I have more time to get the things that I need done.
I wonder what makes a person one way or the other? Is it how they were raised? Are they born with it? Or is it something that they decide to arbitrarily?

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