Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Coffee Master...or something like that

Saturday nights at my Starbucks are crazy, especially between 6-9pm. While generally, I am usually taking the orders and the money, tonight for some odd reason I was on bar making the famous lattes and mochas (and adding Soy milk to just about everything). In December, I began to feel quite comfortable at the bar. I understood the drinks and while I was still not the fastest, I was able to keep my counter low on drinks to be made. However, tonight, with generally 10+ people in line and a stack of cups going around my syrups, I was pumping out drinks like they were already made. It was that moment that you get at any job where everything clicks and you know exactly what to do, how to do it, and you do it fast. It was definitely an enjoyable experience even though it didn't seem to let up. Of course, I got to yell out the drinks too which always makes me happy. I get to project and not get told to be quiet or to settle down. While Starbucks is just a job, I am glad that I can have a little fun there and my coworkers are just good people all around.

Anyways, life is moving along and the acting side of life is definitely picking up. Still in the baby steps stage, but I am progressing which is more than I can say during the strike. I can feel it will happen, and my plans will bear fruit. I know it.

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