Well, tonight is the first episode of John Adams; the short mini-series I was a part of for two weeks. While it's nothing to cheer about, it is nice to be able to tell people that I will appear on HBO today. It allows me a little bit of legitimacy in a crowd of under-worked actors. Speaking of legitimacy, I have started to work a little steadier and seem to have a good amount of auditions coming in which makes me feel better about myself. Also, on Tuesday, I had my first big "Hollywood" meeting with a voice-over casting director. A one hour meeting ended up being four and included a lunch and a great Mexican restaurant named Don Cuchos. There are several opportunities that will come from that meeting, and at the moment I am in the middle of two of them. They aren't completely finalized, but I am excited at what is on the horizon.
So March madness has started and like this past college football season, I have become swept up in the "madness". I think there are several reasons for my change in heart of watching sports. The first is that both my roommate and several of my friends are big sports fans and so as the social guy that I am I join in the fun with them. With this social experience, I begin to find the enjoyment in the game for myself and becomes something that I like myself. Second, with the recent relationship events and her hatred for all things sports, I take a little joy in the fact that I can sit and enjoy a good game of basketball and not hear any crap about it or how much she hates sports. Thirdly, when I was in highschool I played a lot of basketball and used to watch ESPN religiously for the NBA highlights and scores, so I do have an enjoyment of the game (definitely playing it more than watching, but hey, it's fun to be able to chat with the guys). The benefit of this year's March madness is that I actually have watched several games and know some stats which helps me bullshit my way through a conversation, which has given me more extended conversations with a certain lovely lady. Anyways, while I have never been anti-sports, I have never been truly pro-sports either. It's always been something that has never grabbed my interest, but it may be changing. I still would rather watch a movie, but the I won't turn down a good Wisconsin Badgers game either! Though UNC will totally win.
My arm is still half-numb and sore from the electrocution, so I am seeing a neurologist to make sure that the damage isn't completely permanent. After seeing a couple of doctors about it, I have been told that the jolt may have been even more severe than what they first thought. The last doctor told me that I may be looking at a couple months to a year of my arm being at this half-numb, tingling sensation. It's not fun at all. The other night, when I went to wash my hands the water was cold to my left hand while hot to my right hand (the one that got zapped) which freaked me out a bit. I hope that it's just nerve damage and nothing to do with the circulation. If this keeps up, I don't know what will progress with Starbucks.
Oh, I have to promote this guy Gabe Soriano because I saw him on Thursday night at a bar and he was phenomenal. I also have his two cds and I have been listening to them frequently since Thursday. He's got a good mix of influences and the tracks are good listens and I find myself tapping my foot or bobbing my head to his music. It's nothing out of the ordinary, but it's just good classic music. If you are looking for something new to listen to check him out, or of course check out Vampire Weekend since I am still listening to them.
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