In the last couple of weeks the acting life has begun picking up. While it has mostly been auditions that have been coming my way, I have also had several paying jobs as well. On Tuesday I spent twelve hours on the set of CSI. Of course, most of the time was spent off camera reading, talking with cast and crew, and partaking of the large array of food provided on set. However, those times spent on set in front of the camera were so exhilarating that I it reassured me that I want to do this for the rest of my life. Even though so much time was spent waiting around for my scene, I still loved every minute. I was in my element and felt right at home. God continually shows me that this is the path for me.
I do have to laugh at the CSI filming though. My call time was at 7am at the Universal lot, so I arrived at around 6:40am, parked, and then headed to craft services for breakfast. After heading into the tent with my omelet and orange juice, I barely sit down when a pa is rushing in and asking for me. I find out that I am needed in wardrobe and then on the set. So I dump my food, get into costume, and head to the set and precede to sit and wait to be do my scene. I waited and I waited. Soon other people started trickling in for their later call times, and still I sat waiting for my scene. Well, we ended up breaking for lunch before I was used even though those who had a later call time had already been used. Of course, I wasn't complaining. I was just happy to be there and of course that I got paid by the hour. Anyways, I finally was able to shoot my scene, and it was awesome. Cameras everywhere and chatting with the director, I had a blast! During lunch I was able to walk around the lot and enjoy the day. Of course, the Universal Studios theme park was 100 yards away, so as I was walking the lot I could see people standing in line for different. It was a lot of fun to be on the studio side of the fence. Overall it was a great day.
Thursday I got to work on the new Minnesota Lottery commercials which was a blast, and then of course I had my Speed Racer voiceover audition that went really well. Sitting in the studio on the lottery gig was my first time in a sound studio which was definitely an experience. Monitors and computers everywhere and tons of sound dampening padding. Of course, free food and drinks were available on site, though the coffee was absolute crap. The directors had no clue what they were looking for so if I remember correctly we were on take 73 before we wrapped. I was still in my element and had a good amount of ad libs in there that everyone liked. Definitely an experience I would be happy to get used too. With the lottery experience being so good, I hope I can snag the Speed Racer gig as well, but being as inexperienced as I am I know it will be a tough uphill climb.
So I have a new band of the week, School of Language, which is Field Music's David Brewis. The debut album, Sea from Shore, was produced completely in Brewis' bedroom. Listening to this stunning album would make you think it was commercially produced. Brewis knows how to record and the make the most of his equipment. Having already sat down and had the cd play through itself twice, I came to the conclusion that this is a gem. While it's not perfect and a few spots in the album that I plan to skip past, overall I am quite pleased. Of course, I have no idea who Field Music is, but if David Brewis is attached then I'll have to check them out. If you are looking for something new and enjoyable try School of Language. That only goes if you have already checked out Vampire Weekend!
Well, life is definitely moving forward and California has become a great place to live. In my exploration of the Golden State so far, there is so much to see and do and enjoy and I haven't even touch a quarter of the state! It is like manifest destiny. Thank God I am here!
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