Home sweet home. A couple of weeks ago, I contemplated whether or not my "home" was starting to change. For the longest time, I continually told myself that Virginia was my home. It was where I grew up, where my family is, and where I became an adult, and while I'll still call it home it's not where my life is. Near the end of the week for the first time, I actually wanted to head back to Los Angeles. It wasn't because I have grown to love this city at all, but more for the fact that this is where I can and will make my dreams a reality. These past couple of months have proven it. Opportunities are opening up to take advantage of and so this is where I'm supposed to be. Like I said at Thanksgiving, I have a good group of friends to help protect me from the fakeness and greed of this town.
The Holmes' again opened up there home this morning and allowed me to spend Christmas morning with their family and Danielle. It was enough like home to satisfy me. They truly have become an integral part of my life, and I can never repay the debt I owe to them. Also, the egg dish I had this morning was glorious, and I'll be adding that recipe to my repetoire of breakfast dishes!
Kimmi, of course, is my ever faithful beer or coffee drinking friend (whichever is needed at the moment), and Aroma and Timmy Nolan's have become a Cheers of sorts for us. I never walk away from those two watering holes regretting going. Luckily Kimmi puts up with all my weirdnesses and idiosyncracies, at least enough to get through a couple of beers. It's definitely become a staple of my life.
Ben and Kiel are life savers and I owe them all that I am.
And there a plethora of other people in my life that have created a "home" here in Los Angeles. Like my previous home, this one is tied to people not a place as it should be, and again my adult life has gathered a group of true friends to help me through this thing called life.
Anyway, enough sentiment.
My week at home was a blast. I saw so many people over the week, that I swear I added a year's worth of miles on my parent's car while I was home last week. I was up, down, left, and right. I was all over the great state of Virginia. I was able to get down to Virginia Beach for a day and visit all my old pal's at GEICO. It was definitely a homecoming of sorts, though there are so many new faces that I had to stop for a second and make sure I was in the right place. Seeing Bill and my "nephew" Nathan was great too. I miss not having them more in my life.
Meeting up with Noah and Chris was awesome. I had seen neither for many years, and it felt like we picked up right where we left off. It's good to know some friendships aren't harmed by time! Also, seeing Tommy and Michelle was so good. Their happiness in each other is easy to be around and makes me happy to be around them. I'm always sad that I haven't been able to spend as much time as I would like with them. It was also good to connect with a bunch of people from FCS that I haven't seen since graduation. Good times were had!
Well, this is getting longer, so I'll end it with a promise that I'll have more than just sappy moments gracing my page soon!