Thursday, February 28, 2008


I have no idea where I am going with this post, but I just felt like writing. It is something to take my mind off the many things beginning to weigh it down. While going slowly, I am progressing in my chosen field. I still question it sometimes, and just look at myself and think I am crazy. If I had stayed in Virginia Beach at GEICO in the motorcycle department, I would be pulling in around $55,000 or more a year. While money isn't everything, I didn't hate the job and for a while I really considered GEICO to possibly be my career. I know life would be a whole lot different than the current version. I would quite possibly have a house or at least a lot more stuff to tie me down and keep me in one spot. I know acting is my passion, and I do know that God has me out here (he has shown me that several times). I guess a part of me is just scared of the future. I really don't know what the future looks like or what it holds. There is so many avenues and alleys that it can take, that I can't really plan or guide myself like I have been able to previously. So much of my choices rely on prayer, luck, and making the most of opportunities. I have been able to make some acting contacts which may or may not help me in my quest, but you have to make the most of every opportunity. I am not discouraged, nor am I depressed, I am just weighed down by the immensity of what I am taking on. How do I keep my integrity in this business and still make a living?
I am still pushing for doing voice-over work, since it's something I definitely could do well. I used to do radio commercials back on the East Coast and I really enjoyed that and the station seemed to call me often. It would still be acting, I would be very lucky to start doing voice-overs. I might even be able to start working on video games, which of course would be awesome if I could break into that field.
Well, my car is done being worked on (she has put up with a lot, especially driving 6000 miles in less than three weeks), so it's off to go pick her up and enjoy this beautiful day in California.

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